2022 Vol. 1, No. 1

Front Cover

Back Cover

2022 Vol. 1, No. 1

26 April 2022

Cover Story | Issue 1 Front Cover

This cover demonstrates the multifunctional applications beyond thermoelectricity of the two-dimensional (2D) SnSe/SnS materials. Based on the unique crystal structure of SnSe/SnS shown in the center of the cover, the surroundings consist of the emerging applications of SnSe/SnS in multiple fields, including thermoelectricityartificial neural network, ion batteries, photocatalysis, flexible devices, topological insulators, photodetectors, and solar cells.

Dongrui Liu, Bingchao Qin*,  Li-Dong Zhao*

2022, 1, 220006. doi: 10.54227/mlab.20220006

Cover Story | Issue 1 Back Cover

This cover demonstrates the various substrate materials and active materials for flexible sodium ion batteries. The ocean represents an inexhaustible source of sodium, and a curved flexible sandwich structure represents a flexible sodium ion battery. Various Prussian blue, polyanion, and other carbon materials are presented on substrates such as graphene, carbon nanotubes, and carbon cloth.

Xiang-Xi He,  Jia-Hua Zhao,  Wei-Hong Lai,  Zhuo Yang,  Yun Gao,  Hang Zhang,  Yun Qiao,  Li Li*,  Shu-Lei Chou*

2022, 1, 210001. doi: 10.54227/mlab.20210001