Jingxuan Chen, Xinyi Mei, Xiaoliang Zhang. Emerging Quantum Dots Spotlight on Next-Generation Photovoltaics. Materials Lab 2022, 1, 220007. doi: 10.54227/mlab.20220007
Citation: Jingxuan Chen, Xinyi Mei, Xiaoliang Zhang. Emerging Quantum Dots Spotlight on Next-Generation Photovoltaics. Materials Lab 2022, 1, 220007. doi: 10.54227/mlab.20220007


Emerging Quantum Dots Spotlight on Next-Generation Photovoltaics

Published as part of the Virtual Special Issue “Beihang University at 70”

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  • Corresponding author: xiaoliang.zhang@buaa.edu.cn
  • Semiconducting quantum dots (QDs) received considerable attention for application in optoelectronic devices, such as solar cells, photodetectors and light-emitting diodes, due to their unique fundamental properties, including solution processability, size-dependent bandgap energies, high stability and low cost. Specifically, the suitable bandgap energy of QDs with strong light absorption in the visible and near-infrared regions makes them a kind of competitive photovoltaic materials toward next-generation photovoltaics. Herein, the advantages of emerging QDs, including infrared lead sulfide QDs and perovskite QDs, are highlighted for new generation photovoltaics, and the possible challenges and opportunities approaching high-performance solar cells are also proposed.

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  • Jingxuan Chen is a PhD student at Beihang University, China. She received her Bachelor’s degree in materials science and engineering from Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, China, in 2018. Currently, she is conducting her PhD studies under the guidance of Prof. Xiaoliang Zhang. Her current research interest mainly focuses on utilizing surface management to improve the photovoltaic performance of quantum dot solar cells.
    XinYi Mei earned her Bachelor’s degree from Central South University, China, in 2019. She is now pursuing her PhD degree in Materials Physics and Chemistry at Beihang University, under the supervision of Prof. Xiaoliang Zhang. Her current research interest mainly focuses on the novel physical properties of low-dimensional optoelectronic materials, such as quantum dots, and their application in light-emitting devices.
    Xiaoliang Zhang is a professor at Beihang University, China, and directs a research group working on optoelectronic materials and devices. He received his PhD degree in Materials Physics and Chemistry from Beihang University in 2013. Then, he joined Uppsala University, Sweden, as a postdoctoral researcher and subsequently was promoted as a senior researcher at Uppsala University. He joined Beihang University as a full professor in 2018. He has a particular interest in semiconducting quantum dots for application in new generation optoelectronic devices.
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