Siqi Jiang, Dayong Ren, Yaojie Lei, Hongli Suo, Wei-Hong Lai. Mechanisms of oxygen evolution reaction in metal oxides: adsorbate evolution mechanism versus lattice oxygen mechanism[J]. Materials Lab, 2023, 2(2): 220054. doi: 10.54227/mlab.20220054
Citation: Siqi Jiang, Dayong Ren, Yaojie Lei, Hongli Suo, Wei-Hong Lai. Mechanisms of oxygen evolution reaction in metal oxides: adsorbate evolution mechanism versus lattice oxygen mechanism[J]. Materials Lab, 2023, 2(2): 220054. doi: 10.54227/mlab.20220054


Mechanisms of oxygen evolution reaction in metal oxides: adsorbate evolution mechanism versus lattice oxygen mechanism

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  • Water electrolysis provides a promising technology for hydrogen production, but the sluggish four-electron conversion-process of the oxygen evolution reaction results in high overpotential and a low efficiency of water splitting. To rationalize and improve the performance of oxygen evolution reaction, it is crucial to understand the electrochemical mechanisms occurring in cells and monitor the structural changes of newly developed catalysts. As the most recognized mechanisms, the adsorbate evolution mechanism and the lattice oxygen mechanism have been utilized to explain the physical and chemical behaviors of the oxygen evolution reaction. Thus, we herein provide a perspective on these two paths by summarizing the recent progresses in oxygen evolution reactions and building fundamental connections between material designs and the two mechanisms. Insights from this work offer solution to address the current challenges and limitations for the water oxidation.

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  • Siqi Jiang is a master student in the Faculty of Materials and Manufacturing, Beijing University of Technology. Her research focuses on designs of lithium metal oxides and transition metal-based hydroxides for efficient oxygen evolution reactions.
    Hongli Suo is a distinguished professor and the group leader of High-temperature Superconductor Lab in Beijing University of Technology. She worked as a Postdoctoral Researcher in the Department of Condensed Matter Physics and Applied Physics at the University of Geneva, Switzerland. Suo demonstrates a strong multidisciplinary research background in the fields of materials science, metallurgy, chemistry, and condensed matter physics. Her thesis was selected as the top 100 National Excellent Doctoral Dissertation of P.R. China. She has also published more than 200 scientific papers and nearly 140 of them are listed by mainstream ISI Web of Science.
    Wei-Hong Lai obtained his Ph.D. in 2019 from UOW and worked as an Associate Research Fellow at the Institute for Superconducting and Electronic Materials (ISEM), the Australian Institute for Innovative Materials (AIIM), UOW. Lai joined University of Sydney Technology since March 2020, and moved back to UOW in 2022 as a principle investigator. While working and studying during his Ph.D., Lai has carried out research into the universal synthesis and morphological control of diverse materials, and their applications in energy conversion and storage.
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