Tongwei Wu, Pai Wang, Yanning Zhang. Microenvironment Optimization towards Electrocatalytic Ammonia Synthesis: Recent Progress and Future. Materials Lab 2022, 1, 220011. doi: 10.54227/mlab.20220011
Citation: Tongwei Wu, Pai Wang, Yanning Zhang. Microenvironment Optimization towards Electrocatalytic Ammonia Synthesis: Recent Progress and Future. Materials Lab 2022, 1, 220011. doi: 10.54227/mlab.20220011

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Microenvironment Optimization towards Electrocatalytic Ammonia Synthesis: Recent Progress and Future

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  • The electrocatalytic nitrogen reduction reaction (N2RR) in aqueous media has garnered substantial interest as it allows direct conversion of N2 to NH3 under benign reaction conditions. However, the competing hydrogen evolution reaction (HER), strong N≡N bond, sluggish kinetics, and low solubility of N2 in pure water seriously limit the overall N2RR efficiency and economically viable N2RR. In this review, the emerging advances in strategies are presented towards improving electrochemical N2RR, involving three-phase interface construction, electrolyte controlling, cell configuration, and advanced electrochemical simulation choice. Finally, the current challenges and future perspectives for N2RR are highlighted.

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  • Tongwei Wu received his Ph.D. degree from the University of Electronic Science and Technology of China in 2021. He is currently a postdoc at the State Key Laboratory of Electronic Thin Films and Integrated Devices, University of Electronic Science and Technology of China. His research interests include the synthesis of novel nanomaterials, first-principles calculations, and their application in electrocatalysis.
    Pai Wang is a Ph.D. candidate at the Institute of Fundamental and Frontier Sciences, University of Electronic Science and Technology of China. Her current research focuses on the design of transition-metal based electrocatalysts for water splitting through first-principles calculations.
    Yanning Zhang received her Ph.D. in Materials Engineering from Shandong University in China in 2008 and later joined University of California, Irvine in USA as a postdoctoral researcher. She joined University of Electronic Science and Technology of China as a Professor in 2016. Dr. Zhang performs theoretical studies and predictions on the structural and physical properties of many functional materials, such as energy conversion and storage materials and magnetic thin films, mainly through first-principles method. With close collaborations with experimental groups, her current focus is the chemical composition and morphology modulations of transition metal sulfides towards their electrochemical performance.
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通讯作者: 陈斌,
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    沈阳化工大学材料科学与工程学院 沈阳 110142

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