Wannuo Li, Qian Yang, Doudou Liang, Jun Zhi, Yucen Liu, Qijie Wu, Long Zhang, Shun Li, Jianming Zhang, Yuqiao Zhang. Electrochemical control ionic defects modulation induced phase transition in SrCoOx: progress and prospect[J]. Materials Lab. doi: 10.54227/mlab.20230030
Citation: Wannuo Li, Qian Yang, Doudou Liang, Jun Zhi, Yucen Liu, Qijie Wu, Long Zhang, Shun Li, Jianming Zhang, Yuqiao Zhang. Electrochemical control ionic defects modulation induced phase transition in SrCoOx: progress and prospect[J]. Materials Lab. doi: 10.54227/mlab.20230030


Electrochemical control ionic defects modulation induced phase transition in SrCoOx: progress and prospect

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  • Corresponding author: yangqian0730@foxmail.com
  • Transition metal oxides (TMOs), as one of the advanced materials, have been widely studied due to their unique electronic, magnetic, optical, and thermal transport properties. Among them, SrCoOx (SCOx) is known as an oxygen sponge, where the ordered one-dimensional oxygen vacancy channels in the structure can work as the pathway for hydrogen/oxygen ions migration, facilitating the modulation of oxygen stoichiometry through the topotactic redox reaction. In this way, a “multi-state” phases transition with tunable physical properties can be realized. In this review, we summarize recent research progress in the utilization of H+ and O2− ions to induce distinct phase transitions in SCOx, which result in obvious physical property changes. The ability to control the properties of SCOx over a wide range through the incorporation of ionic defects provides a promising route for the development of advanced functional devices.

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  • Wannuo Li graduated from Northeast Agricultural University in 2022 and is currently a graduate student at Jiangsu University. Her research interests are fabrication of high quality epitaxial thin film and advanced functional devices.
    Qian Yang received her master degree in chemical science and engineering, and Ph.D degree in Electronics for Informatics from Hokkaido University (Japan). She awared a JSPS Fellowship for Young Scientists from 2021 to 2022. Her research interests include advanced fabrication technics of high quality epitaxial thin films, topotactic phase transition materials, electrochemical redox and protonation, and solid-state thermal transistor.
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